Wakol GmbH
Industriestraße 5
A-6841 Mäder
E-mail: info@wakol.at
Wakol GmbH
Bottenbacher Straße 30
D-66954 Pirmasens
E-mail: info@wakol.com
Loba GmbH & Co. KG
Leonberger Straße 56-62
D-71254 Ditzingen
E-mail: service@loba.de
Loba-Wakol Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Sławęcińska 16, Macierzysz
POL-05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki
Wakol Adhesa AG/SA
Bionstrasse 5
CH-9015 St. Gallen
Lecol Chemie B.V.
Schutweg 6
5145 NP Waalwijk
Wakol Foreco srl
Via Kennedy 75
I-20010 Marcallo con Casone (MI)
Maiburg Lijmen B.V.
Schutweg 6
5145 NP Waalwijk
Loba Wakol do Brasil LTDA
Rua Paulino Corado, n° 92 - sala 311, 20 – Cj 311 – Jundiai
CEP 13 211-413 São Paulo
Loba Trading (Shanghai) Company Limited
Unit A, 10th Floor, Jiu Shi Fu Xing Mansion, No. 918, Huai Hai Middle Road
Nexus Adhesives
42 Healey Road, Dandenong South
AUS-3175 Victoria
Loba-Wakol, LLC
2732 Hwy 74 West
NC 28170, Wadesboro





The special safety requirements when employing external companies on the premises of Wakol are described in the Wakol external company guideline. The aim is to avoid accidents with personal injury, material damage to operating equipment, as well as environmental damage. General codes of conduct for working on the factory premises are also listed.


The Wakol Group is familiar with the awareness of its Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition to complying with all applicable laws and regulations, the Wakol Group is committed to respect and promote social and ethical standards as well as protecting the environment. All suppliers and sub-suppliers are expected to follow these principles as well.

Hence, Wakol has developed a Code of Conduct for Suppliers that embraces fundamental social, ethical and ecological standards.



For Wakol the sustainable approach is part of the vision. The sustainability strategy is anchored in the quality and energy policy. This includes the comprehensive intentions and objectives of the company with regard to quality and energy, as a binding framework for the management systems:

1. Economy: Customer satisfaction is the measure of quality! Suppliers are our partners!

2. Employees & company: All employees are bound to ensure quality! Wakol fosters the abilities, commitment and quality, environmental, energy and safety awareness of staff. The satisfaction of the requirements of the interested parties is an important element.

3. Products: Wakol installation materials must be high-quality products! This means that Wakol products must be sustainable and satisfy the highest requirements in processor and consumer protection.

4. Securing the company's existence: We only remain good through continuous improvements. Securing the company's existence over the long term is not possible without financial corporate success.

5. Environment and resources: Quality of the environment is part of product quality! Systematic improvement of quality, energy efficiency as well as all environmental and safety standards is therefore the aim of the efforts. In addition to the implementation of environmental and climate protection measures, this also includes compliance with the highest occupational health and safety requirements and HACCP principles.



The implementation of expertise and technology in processes with greater efficiency and added value requires intensive dialogue and resolve. Our employees will ensure your success. Selected professional qualification and intensive internal training in turn ensure their expertise. Possibilities for development, self-reliance and attractive career options are the source of their exceptional motivation.


Success knows no national boundaries. An internationally oriented organisational structure with its own subsidiaries and holdings and with a continually growing network of selected co-operating partners who share our philosophy and to whom we intensively convey our expertise – all this forms the framework. Even today you can rely on our unlimited support on location, in the growth regions of your industry – in Europe and beyond.


Thanks to our broad technological expertise, you need to rely on just one partner. And without compromises we can advise you on the best application, while also creating a decisive difference from the interplay of different technologies in our product systems. For water-based, solvent-based and reactive systems, or for powdery, cement-based or anhydrite systems, or even for hot-melts.


You'll find our product lines and organisational structures strictly focussed on your industry:

parquet and floor layers on the side of the laying materials; on the side of the industrial systems the upholstered furniture and mattress industry, the metal packaging industry, the shoe industry, the construction and automotive supplier industry. You'll profit across industries from the resulting synergy effects in the technology, for example in raw materials and in the industry crossing innovation process.